New Idea for Easter Baskets!

By: Emily Heaston
My little bunnies on their first Easters!

Last weekend, Clare celebrated her friend’s birthday and we wanted to pick out a special gift. The birthday girl loves to bake and we had the best time picking out ingredients for her!

Every year, I like to put new swim suits, books, and chocolate in my kids’ Easter baskets, and this year I thought they might enjoy their own special ingredients for baking too! Here is what the bunny is bringing, and bonus–its so inexpensive and you get to eat cake at the end! I hope this helps for any last minute bunny shopping!

Unicorns for Clare

Mermaids for Cate

Funfetti for Teddy

I also got a large pack of cute Easter Bunny Baking Cups to split among the kids’ baskets. Nicole and I were just talking about how our moms would sometimes bake cupcakes into ice cream cones and I found the handiest baking rack so the cones won’t tip over in the oven–I can’t wait for it to get here to make these with my kids!

Happy Easter from our family to yours!